Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Those saint stories really do hit the spot with second graders!

Sankt Martin - quelle: http://www.st-martin-idstein.de/index.php?id=102&type=1With Martinmas coming up, we went into high gear on reading about St. Martin.

We read through this particular set of stories last year. But this time around, S has been particularly taken with the "take home message" that being a Christian means serving others as Christ - and Martin - did.

This morning, we went past our local Starbucks to see whether they had any coffee grounds available for pickup. I had promised S that, if they did, he could have the entire bag for his own compost pile.

Well, there were grounds to be had! T cheerfully took the bag, and insisted that he would carry it to the car. Problem! *S* wanted to carry the bag... Such differences of opinion are not uncommon. Only this time, it wasn't the "normal" situation of both brothers wanting to do the same thing at the same time. S was upset because *he* wanted to be the one doing the serving; he didn't want to *be* served!

Hours later, I'm still amazed.

*The* resource for Martinmas preparations / Martinstag Vorbereitung (in German)

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